Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Title Page

The Art of Survival is a Story That Never Ends.

Aimara Rodriguez
Ms. Jacobson
Spring 2014

Dedication Page

I would have to specifically dedicate this poetry collection to my mother & father, who have seen me grow & have allowed me to use my own paintbrush to paint my artwork I call my "life". Survival is a beautiful struggle and my parents have both comprehended the necessary sacrifice within that, and have pushed forward to provide a quality of life for me and my siblings that I hope to never take for granted. Through this collection, I hope both of my parents can see how much my mind has expanded because of them.

Table Of Contents

Poem 1: Acrostic
Poem 2: Diamond Poem (Diamante)
Poem 3: Alphabet Poem
Poem 4: I Am Poem
Poem 5: Concrete Poem 1: One Word
Poem 6: Concrete Poem 2: Complex Concrete
Poem 7: Alliteration Poem
Poem 8: List Poem
Poems 9, 10, & 11: Haiku Poems
Poem 12: Relative Clause Poem
Poem 13: Preposition Poem
Poem 14: Verb Poem
Poem 15: Onomatopoeia Poem
Poem 16: Recipe Poem
Poem 17: Simile Poem
Poem 18: Letter Poem
Poem 19: Apology Poem (This Is Just To Say)
Poem 20: Free Verse


Title: The art of survival is a story that never ends.

Explanation of Title: I chose this title because I heard this line from a film I watched not too long ago, called American Hustle. This line resonated with me on a simple fact that it held much power & truth. Us, as human beings, are all trying to keep our heads above water, in a metaphoric sense, to continue to push forward and not drown in the consummation of our lives. Those that survive, get ahead. My poetry collection, in a broad spectrum, focuses on life and the act of survival that comes with it. Passion, dreams, trials, struggle, wins, I made it a goal to cover it all through my collection because life is quite important to me. Not just the act of existing, but truly living. I hope that the reader can take away a true sense of who I am and search within themselves to define who they are, and see the bigger picture that though life may be sad sometimes, it is still always beautiful. 

Pay special attention to poems 16 (Recipe Poem) & Poem 19 (Apology Poem).

*All photos used are personal photos of my project, The Dream Showcase. It was my very own taste of the art of survival, therefore, I feel it would be appropriate to use them in my collection to establish a personal connection.

Definitions Of Poetry

Poetry definition: Literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm; poems collectively or as a genre of literature.

Poetry Quotes:

"Who can tell the dancer from the dance?"
-William Butler Yeats

"If Galileo had said in verse that the world moves, the inquisition might have let him alone."
 -Thomas Hardy

"The weird thing about houses is that they almost always look like nothing is happening inside of them, even though they contain most of our lives. I wondered if that was sort of the point of architecture. "
-John Green

Personal definition: a soulful expression of words tied together by feeling, whether negative or positive, to coincide together & have an effect on the reader.

-I chose the 3 quotes because I felt I could personally tie them together into what poetry means for me. The first one, by William Butler Yeats, I feel explains how can you separate the poet from the poetry? The feeling instilled in the words the poet writes binds them together, & their heart is their words. The second quote, by Thomas Hardy, explains that poetry is not biased. It is strictly up to the poet what they choose to express themselves about, and though certain people would rather censor & control what is written just for the sake of being minimal, that's not the purpose of expression. Lastly, the third quote is from a book that I just recently finished called 'A Fault In Our Stars' by John Green. Though the quote touches on the topic of architecture, I sensed an underlying meaning that can bind with the purpose of poetry. Words are just words. They are used every day, and we sometimes forget the power that come with them. Words dictate our lives. They contain our thoughts, emotions, and determine who we are. And the power of feeling is enhanced with the writing of words, hence poetry. That's kinda the point.

Poem 1: Acrostic

Showing yourself you have what it takes.
Using what you have been instilled with to create change.
Revealing your honest self to others so that they can learn.
Visualizing your goals & speaking things into existence.
Instilling the confidence in others that you have within yourself.
Verifying that your opinion is the only one that matters.
Envisioning the type of life you wish to live & pursuing it. 

Poem 2: Diamond Poem (Diamante)

long-lasting, difficult,
pushing, exceeding, learning.
Hustle, passion, comfortable, unmotivated,
wasting, comforting, losing,
easy, consequential.

Poem 3: Alphabet Poem


Poem 4: I Am Poem

Poem 5: Concrete Poem 1, One Word


Poem 6: Concrete Poem 2, Complex Concrete


Poem 7: Alliteration Poem

Beloved blossoms bright
Living love's last light
Seeing sacred sights.

Raising rigorous refrain
Singing sweet silent strains
Pleasuring primal pain.

Letting love linger
Touching traumatic triggers
Forcing fighting fires.

Calling clear cases
Seeing sensuous spaces
Lacing love, lining lips.

Crazy curves calling
Tempting tales telling
Senses soon smelling.

Poem 8: List Poem


Poems 9, 10, & 11: Haiku Poem

The melody sings
through my own ears, I sense the
hearts blooming in August.      

I waltz across stone
and find myself cold
in the blistering heat.

Fallen to the ground,
I feel the smooth, awake gravel
in a hug of dreams.


Poem 12: Relative Clause Poem


Who understands the depth that is actually necessary?
Who plays with this notion & doesn't understand what it could bring?
Who cherishes the lessons that come forth?
Who cries from the hardships that must be dealt with?
Who stains their lips with the promise of victory?
Who sleeps when others are awake?
Who enjoys the wisdom that grows?
Who never lets up, even though your environment says to?
Who is fascinated by the simple being of it?
Who enjoys all of the things in life that is highlighted by this?

Poem 13: Preposition Poem

Among the lost who wander the streets of this vast universe,
against all odds that are rooting for our failure,
through the trials & through the conquers,
versus the nonbelievers & the protagonists,
inside of us, the power ignites, we are the society's divergents.

Following is an art that we shun,
behind the colorless living of humans, we show the art of life,
like the brilliant minds that came before us.
Despite the fate of our beloved fallen,
underneath it all, we take root, we EVOLVE.

Poem 14: Verb Poem


Poem 15: Onomatopoeia Poem

Tic-tock, the clock of life dwindles down.
The shuffle of day to day human activity flutters in your eyes.
Mumble the words you've been wanting to leak through your lips,
and blurt the shining truth from your soul.
Squash your insecurities & slash the negativity,
but giggle at the simple fact that you can.
Rattle your hips, shuffle your feet, let your confidence roar. 
Let things click into place, go your own way.
But always come back to the rustling that is living.

Poem 16: Recipe Poem

How To Enjoy What You Do


Daily Perspective
Learning from your art
Laughing because you can
Giving a stranger a compliment
Telling those that you love that you love them
Look at the sky & be amazed
Remove yourself from negative situations
Live knowing you are fully capable & healthy


First, wake up every morning & breathe before you let the day consume you, give yourself some daily perspective. Next, allow your art to expand your mind & soul, whether you are an actual artist of any art form or a dedicated human being to whatever it is you consider your love. Have the capacity to laugh because you simply can. Give a stranger a compliment because everyone deserves to be seen. Take some time to look at the sky & actually be amazed. Have the courage to remove yourself from any negative situations you find yourself in. Putting all of this together will result in being able to live life knowing you are fully capable & healthy to do what you please.

Poem 17: Simile Poem

I am like an electric feel,
vivid & igniting.
While my opposite is much like a soul lost in a black hole,
degrading & bleak.
I am a supplier of hope & belief in oneself,
strong & able to withstand trials.
While my opposite is also a strong force,
fed by the weak & followed by the non-believers.
I am to strive for,
disciplined & difficult.
While my opposite is easily achieved,
the road most commonly taken & regretted.

Poem 18: Letter Poem

Dear Admissions Director,

It’s been exactly five months and 17 days since the third & final Dream Showcase. That feels so odd for me to say. But yet, honestly, so relieving. It by far was and still is one of the most struggling but mesmerizing learning experiences I’ve had the privilege to embark on.  The thing is, for me, three years later, it still quite hasn’t hit me that it was accomplished. A few days ago, I sat in the same classroom that I sat in three years ago when the inspiration for the Dream Showcase was implanted into my head. That’s an experience that not many understand, and something that actually took a lot of maturing on my part before I fully understood.  It made me truly recognize the importance of creating what you love. It’s simply not a cliché, creating what you love is more of a responsibility. Having something come from your heart and soul and allowing those around you a glimpse into your mind is beyond humbling, but also quite terrifying.

I would not be speaking the truth if I were to say that in the years of making the Dream Showcase, everything was easy. For those closest to me, they saw the emotional, physical, and mental toll that it took on me.  Now, never will I complain because I knew exactly what I signed up for when I decided to bring this idea to life.  An idea is only as good as its execution, so of course, the struggle is apart of the reward. From day one, at the age of 15, I told myself: If I ever forget why I started doing this in the first place, I’ll stop. I never wanted to lose perspective and just be in the routine of doing the showcase every year without understanding the reason I created this in the first place. To me, the Dream Showcase was my child. I birthed it, nurtured it, watched it grow up…. but, I also watched it rebel and go against me, as a teenage child would to a parent. Which is why my understanding  of not only myself, but those around me from when I was 15 to now, at 18, is so much more open-minded. My artistry has become one of my most valued characteristics. I appreciate the fact that I can “cut a piece of my heart out” and share it with others, whether it is with a piece I choreograph, a project I manage, or a concept I create.

I have learned that our goal as artists is to make people feel something. Our goal also as artists, is to allow our art to teach us something. It always goes beyond just being talented. Which is why the Dream Showcase was so important. It brought together so many people of different art forms & backgrounds to provide others a glimpse into our daily lives of constantly improving at what we do. It taught me that it is about the journey, not so much the destination. While others might label us as the lost and hopeless generation, I’d like to think otherwise. It was an honor to be able to share the stage with so many insanely talented artists at all three showcases.  It taught me the how crucial it was to never compromise yourself as an artist and as an individual.  The full process couldn’t be put in words. The memories, both good and bad, are what shape me.  And as much as the Dream Showcase is responsible for happening because I created it, it would not have happened if it was not for those who supported, contributed, and participated. I feel that having the extraordinary privilege to attend your school will allow my mind to grow all over again because the best way to teach is to constantly continue learning. And by me closing this chapter of my life (graduating high school & leaving Alabama) and embarking on a new one (moving back home to New York, attending college, & entering adult hood), I can sit here as a confident & grateful woman and know the journey that awaits me will be just as life-altering.


Aimara Rodriguez

Poem 19: Apology Poem (This Is Just To Say)

I have ended the journey
the journey that brought me experience & the times
that were made beautiful like a diamond under pressure.

And which you were probably unaware of the
for my soul reached new dimensions.

Forgive me,
they were so wonderful,
so talented,
and so willing.

Poem 20: Free Verse

The night is beginning and the dusk begins to fall. Where the wolf begins to howl and the creature begins his hunt on the weak. For the weak he devours and takes into nightfall. But, not too worry, when all seems dark the morning glimpse of the sun begins to rise. And the weak no longer weak but will rise. And the light of His face will end the nightfall and the light will devour the creature that was out to do the very same thing. Now as the old road waits to devour me, I have chosen the path that leads to destruction. Where the intimacy has vanished and all but the secretive love remains. From where I began walking to the hills I'm facing. From the sights high to the thing I thought was instilled in me. I ask you to take this heart full of hate, and fill it with nothing but compassion. To the road that awaits me, I can always run back. The race continues as I stay still on the starting line not knowing if I want to commit to cross. From what I was, to what I have become. Thy love no more secretive but as graceful as a bald eagle's wings, I ask you to release me and captivate my heart once more. As all once started and you will be the end.