Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Poem 16: Recipe Poem

How To Enjoy What You Do


Daily Perspective
Learning from your art
Laughing because you can
Giving a stranger a compliment
Telling those that you love that you love them
Look at the sky & be amazed
Remove yourself from negative situations
Live knowing you are fully capable & healthy


First, wake up every morning & breathe before you let the day consume you, give yourself some daily perspective. Next, allow your art to expand your mind & soul, whether you are an actual artist of any art form or a dedicated human being to whatever it is you consider your love. Have the capacity to laugh because you simply can. Give a stranger a compliment because everyone deserves to be seen. Take some time to look at the sky & actually be amazed. Have the courage to remove yourself from any negative situations you find yourself in. Putting all of this together will result in being able to live life knowing you are fully capable & healthy to do what you please.

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