Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Title: The art of survival is a story that never ends.

Explanation of Title: I chose this title because I heard this line from a film I watched not too long ago, called American Hustle. This line resonated with me on a simple fact that it held much power & truth. Us, as human beings, are all trying to keep our heads above water, in a metaphoric sense, to continue to push forward and not drown in the consummation of our lives. Those that survive, get ahead. My poetry collection, in a broad spectrum, focuses on life and the act of survival that comes with it. Passion, dreams, trials, struggle, wins, I made it a goal to cover it all through my collection because life is quite important to me. Not just the act of existing, but truly living. I hope that the reader can take away a true sense of who I am and search within themselves to define who they are, and see the bigger picture that though life may be sad sometimes, it is still always beautiful. 

Pay special attention to poems 16 (Recipe Poem) & Poem 19 (Apology Poem).

*All photos used are personal photos of my project, The Dream Showcase. It was my very own taste of the art of survival, therefore, I feel it would be appropriate to use them in my collection to establish a personal connection.

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